Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The phone rings here last week...I answer:
- Yes...
- I am trying to reach Mr. boCa rouGE...
- May I ask who is calling???...I asked, finding it strange that someone would call here and speak in English right away...
- I cannot say right now, but I am calling on behalf of my client...
- Ok...this is boCa rouGE speaking...
- Mr. rouGE, my client loved the logo and would like to know if you really have such a big mouth???
- WHAT?????
- It sounds strange, I know, but she loved the logo and was wondering if it had been made after your mouth...
- It is really strange, but no, I have a regular mouth...but what is the thing...I don´t really get???
- If I may, Sir...she wants to meet with you...
- An may I ask who she is and why???
- I am sorry, but I cannot say...she just wants to kiss you...
- Really...ahahahahahahahah...
- Please Sir, it is not a joke...I have an airplane ready to fly you out of Rio to meet my client who is at present in Buenos Aires...it is only a two hours flight...she insists that you come...
- I beg your pardon??? Please, put yourself in my position...don´t you see how crazy this is...
- I do Sir, but please...she really wishes to meet with you in private...
- I would fly to BA and meet her...and what else???
- If you like, you can stay or we fly you back...it going to be to you to decide...
- And what do I need?
- To dress up and grab your passport...the plane is ready to fly!!!
- Ok...give me an hour and come pick me up...
- Oh Sir, thanks, thanks ever so much...what an honor for my client!!!
- Ok...thanks...let me move on...CIAO!!!
Without thinking of the consequences, I did get my passport and off to the airport.
The whole thing was out of anyone’s mind...but I like a little adventure.
Plane beautiful...service excellent...and I got to Buenos Aires.
- Mr. rouGE, please...
I got off the plane and there was a nice limo waiting for me ONLY...ONLY FOR MR. rouGE...
We drove for half an hour until we got to a Villa...somewhere close to a great number of beautiful houses.
- Please, Sir, come with me...
The door opens and I see this magnificent place...all very traditional decor...but beautiful.
- Can I offer you a glass of Champagne?
- Yes, please...I did not know what I was doing...but I never say no to Champagne...
- She will come in a minute...
I had a boCa rouGE t-shirt on and my favorite jeans...that was all...
It seemed not much, but that is just how it was...
I may say I was a bit anxious to meet my....whoever she was...I knew it was her, because that was revealed to me on the plane...a young and beautiful lady...who needed to meet boCa rouGE...
I heard a noise...the door...I turned with my glass of Champagne still untouched...
- Mr. rouGE, please meet Mrs. Jolie...
She was dressed in red...with her magnificent hair along the dress...her lips were huge and red as my boCa rouGE...it was really Angelina Jolie...
- Nice to meet you Mr. rouGE...and she came towards me with her hands in the air...
- Nice to meet you too...what could I say???
After kissing her hand...I think she was expecting me to only shake hands...she went straight on...
- You see Mr. rouGE...I have this thing with my mouth....my lips are too big...and it is hard for anyone to understand me....Brad doesn´t get it...I have lived all my life trying to find someone who could understand me...
And she jumped into my arms and kissed me...over an hour...she was all over me...kissing in a frantic way.
- Do you understand me Mr. rouGE???
- I do...I really do...it is very hard to live with this problem...I so much understand...let me try once more to make sure that I get the right idea, Angelina....


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